The #1 place in Europe
Free VIN lookup, Mileage Check and Vehicle History!

VIN is not valid! VIN must have 17 characters. VIN does not contain letters O (o), I (i) or Q (q).

What are we checking?

Mileage data

Accidents data

Vehicle legality

Market value

Vehicle photos

Previous owners

Service history

Defect reports

Check mileage and car history by VIN number!

With a database of over 100 million used cars available from our partners across Europe in Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland... we enable VIN check, mileage check, verification of accidents, damage, legality, defects and service history of used vehicles.


number of used car exporting countries

100+ million

used cars in the database

1+ million

satisfied users

What does our report contain?

Mileage check

Mileage check

Manipulating the mileage illegally increases the price of the vehicle that you pay. Don’t allow yourself this luxury.

Accidents and damage

Accidents and damage

A large number of used cars, especially imported ones, have had accidents and damage in their origin.

Safety recalls

Safety recalls

Manufacturers often issue safety recalls, which can affect the safety and security of cars.

Legality of the vehicle

Legality of the vehicle

Check if the car you intend to buy is legal. Very often, stolen vehicles can be found on sale.

Vehicle value

Vehicle value

Check the value of the vehicle you intend to buy. Our algorithm will do it for you.

Pictures of the car

Pictures of the car

Based on the pictures of the vehicle, you can see what condition the vehicle was in before the sale.

An example of our report!

There are more than 10,000,000+ such reports in our database.

AUTOkm Report Example

AUTOkm Report Example

AUTOkm Report Example

AUTOkm Report Example

AUTOkm Report Example

AUTOkm Report Example

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Bosnia and Herzegovina


Czech Republic




Check the vehicle history and avoid expensive repairs!

Check used car mileage, accidents, legality, service history, defects, value and pictures HERE!

VIN is not valid! VIN must have 17 characters. VIN does not contain letters O (o), I (i) or Q (q).
AUTOkm Report Example


rolling back the kilometrage is the most common fraud in the sales of used cars


used cars from the import have rolled back kilometrage

10 billion €

the buyers of used cars in Europe pay more than the real value of the vehicle as a result of rolled back kilometrage



Munich, Germany

Maximilianstrasse 35a
80539 Munich

Lucerne, Switzerland

Hertensteinstrasse 51/II
6004 Lucerne

Belgrade, Serbia

Kneza Mihaila 30/V
11000 Belgrade


The chassis number consists of 17 characters that identify each individual car. The first section consists of three characters (WMI code) that identify the country of origin, the name of the manufacturer, and the body type. The second section (VDS) consists of five characters and provides information on engine size and type, braking system, car series, model, and body style. The last 9 characters (VIS) refer to the year of manufacture and the factory, control digit, and serial number of the vehicle.
The chassis number on cars is usually located under the windshield on the driver’s side. In addition, it can be found under the hood, on the left side of the door frame, on the driver’s door pillar, under the passenger’s floor mat, but also in the traffic license, vehicle insurance and user manual.
All information about the car from different data sources such as date of manufacture, accidents and incidents, recalls, thefts, is recorded in different databases using the chassis number (VIN number).

Mileage clocking is the most common scam in the used car market. Research shows that 65-85% of vehicles have rollback mileage. Our report allows you to check vehicle mileage based on digital records and vehicle history.
If you buy a used car that has had manipulated mileage, you will pay 20 to 30% more than the car is really worth. In addition, you will have more frequent and gentle vehicle maintenance. It is very difficult to determine if the mileage has been returned, but there are some signs such as interior wear and general condition of the vehicle that indicate a discrepancy between the appearance of the car and the mileage on the dashboard.
For now, the best and most reliable way to check the validity of the mileage is the AUTOkm report on the history of the vehicle. Based on our report, you will receive a precise chronology of the mileage record as well as a note if there was a return of the mileage in an earlier period.

The legality check refers to checking the police bases of EU countries to see if the vehicle is stolen.
The biggest risk you can take is buying a used car that has been stolen. That is why checking the legality of the vehicle is important. We receive data from various sources and databases, such as the police, the European and international database of stolen vehicles. By checking different databases, our report allows you to find out whether the car you intend to buy or the one you already drive is stolen or legal.

The accident and damage check is performed on the basis of a digital record that indicates whether the vehicle was damaged or had an accident in the previous period. The type and value of the damage are indicated here if the information is available.
Statistics show that traffic accidents are very common. Almost 1/3 of the cars sold had minor or major damage. Buying damaged vehicles with hidden defects can affect your safety. That’s why the best way to check if the vehicle has been in a traffic accident is to have an AUTOkm report on the vehicle’s history. Based on data from various sources in our report, you can see if the car has had accidents and damage, the date of the incident, the parts that were damaged and the cost of repairs.

A defect check is a check for errors, defects, flaws, and problems in specific car models.
Manufacturing defects and recalls are very common. By checking the history of used cars, you can find out if the car you want to buy has had recalls in the past, when they were and how often they happened. The most common recalls are related to problems with airbags, software errors, exhaust gases. Buying and selling a used car that has a recall is legal and possible on the used car market and does not affect safety.

The value of a used car is influenced by many factors: year of manufacture, mileage, vehicle brand, color, engine and general condition of the vehicle. Our report, based on available data and thousands of similar vehicles on the market, allows you to see the real market value of the car you intend to sell or buy with great reliability.
The price of the vehicle also depends on whether the seller is a legal or natural person, having a service history, whether the car has had accidents and damage in the past, and the general condition of the vehicle. The AUTOkm vehicle history report provides information on the value range of the vehicle in addition to data on mileage, factory recalls, legality. The report lists three vehicle values, i.e. the price range of: super prices, average prices and high prices. This information allows you to find out what is the realistic price you should pay.

1. Volkswagen
2. Renault
3. Ford
4. Peugeot
5. Opel
6. Mercedes
7. BMW
8. Skoda
9. Audi
10. Toyota
11. Fiat
12. Citroen
13. Hyundai
14. Dacia
15. Kia


1. Volkswagen 22.56%
2. Audi 12.08%
3. Mercedes-Benz 8.95%
4. Peugeot 7.22%
5. Opel 6.71%
6. BMW 6.39%
7. Skoda 5.43%
8. Renault 4.15%
9. Citroen 3.83%
10. Ford 3.58%
11. Fiat 3.13%

1. Volkswagen Golf 1988-2018 9.84%
2. Volkswagen Passat 1999-2018 7.22%
3. Audi A4 2001-2017 3.83%
4. Skoda Octavia 2002-2018 2.94%
5. Mercedes-Benz E-klasse 2002-2017 2.81%
6. Audi A3 2001-2017 2.75%
7. Mercedes-Benz C-klasse 1999-2016 2.68%
8. Audi A6 2000-2017 2.62%
9. Opel Astra 2000-2016 2.56%
10. BMW 3er 2001-2016 2.36%
11. Peugeot 308 2007-2017 1.73%
12. BMW 5er 2001-2015 1.47%
13. Fiat Punto 2002-2013 1.41%
14. Peugeot 207 2006-2011 1.34%
15. Ford Focus 2004-2016 1.21%

The price of the report is €14.90.

AUTOkm Reports are sent within a maximum of 72 hours from the moment of receiving the inquiry.
The data we check are obtained from various sources that are decentralized and can be: vehicle auctions, certification companies, leasing companies, insurance companies, authorized services, accident reports, technical inspection of vehicles... which guarantee the submitted data.

Reports are sent within a few hours, no later than 72 hours.
Most car manufacturers’ and other distributors’ databases must be accessed manually for each individual chassis number, as there is no automated data transfer. Our employees will carefully check all data before creating the report. That’s why our reports are more reliable than competitors’ and often contain data that others don’t have. This is the key to our success and your trust.

VIN Check & Vehicle History Report

The data for the requested vehicle is currently not available. Try once again a little bit later. If there are no results again, such a VIN cannot be decoded.




Successful! Learn more about this vehicle:

Mileage record Mileage record

Stolen database Stolen database

Accidents and damages Accidents and damages

Defects and recalls Defects and recalls

Previous owners Previous owners

Value Value

Images Images

The price of the report is €14.90

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